Saturday, August 27, 2011

New Friends

Random Squawk: I notice that my recent posts all seem a little "me" centric lately. Please bear with this while I fine tune them out.

I like meeting new people and interacting with them on a personal level.

You know, when you meet new people in a group, you never seem to be able to get to know the real them until eons later (if you're still in contact) or never, whichever comes later.

I like to be able to converse with people on an intellectual level (which rules out stupid people) and get to know the real them. What they like, what they don't like.

You can actually tell a lot about a person by first interaction alone with them, even more so while playing games of any kind. But since a lot of first meetings don't come with a pack or cards or board games, that's ruled out.

I find that the happiest people are those who are contented with what they have, but also with a drive to excel and succeed with what they're doing. Those are the kind of people who are the most pleasant to be around.

There are those laden with problems too. The trick is to see past that and look at how they deal with those problems.

Of course, I don't scrutinise everyone I come into contact with, and I don't judge them, so you can relax. I simply let the feelings come as and when they do.

I do, however, scrutinise how I come across to people. I keep a chokehold on myself, my actions and my words, so as not to present the worst side of me. (Blogging is different, I'm probably never going to meet you anyway, so I can show you that as much as I want. So there. )

After all, isn't this what everyone secretly does on some level?

To my new friends who are probably never going to read this (because I took out the link from my Facebook page) - I do hope you guys stay around.

Friendship bears no grudges. Friendship goes through thick and thin. And the ones who leave, probably aren't worth being friends with anyway.

I'm morbid as hell, and my dirty jokes and puns are non-stop. If you're uncomfortable with that, leave now.

For the rest of you...

I'd like to be your friend :)

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