Wednesday, September 16, 2009

One Gigantic *ahem*

Dear NTU students. I'm sure you know how to spot *ahem* when you see it.

We are having one fucking big problem with physical constraint.

Imagine. 1 HDB flat. Thousands of people. Only 20 or so parking lots. Less than 10 bike parking lots.

United Premas aunties fighting for commissions, giving summons like no tommorrow. 4 bike summons already take up more than 10% of my take home income.

Gahment die also don't want to build more parking lots for its citizens. Spend so much money on foreigners.

And people like us can't do SHIT about it simply because.. we're peasants. Who the fuck cares about peasants who aren't beneficial to the gahment in terms of monetary gains except for fucking PARKING SUMMONS? Who would prefer us, peasant-CITIZENS of Singabloodypore, over rich foreigners who have cash to give to the Gahment?

Too many cars? Don't worry, summon those peasants. Economic crisis? Summon those peasants. Gahment not enough money? Summon those peasants. Peasants have no say because they are poor people.

I am one pissed off peasant.

PS: Don't sue me. I have absolutely nothing left for you money grubbers.

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