Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Finally got the chance..

... to blog!

Right at this very moment I'm browsing through the newly developed photos from the underwater camera we brought to Tioman. You'll have to wait some more for the pictures, cuz' I'll have to scan them in one by one.

Anyway, you wouldn't believe how beautiful the scenery in Tioman is. The photos I brought back doesn't do it justice. Imagine waking up in the morning and the first thing you see is the endless sea, up to the point where the sky touches the sea.

Every morning as you stand in the balcony feeling the wind on your face, you'll see that to the East is a lighthouse on a bay, meant to guide the small boats around that area. To the west is a tiny part of the island, but in that tiny part you can already see mountains and forested area. Straight ahead is the jetty, and if you're lucky you'd catch a couple of divers already up and preparing for their underwater escapade.

Periwinkles and kittens scatter throughout the island. Yea, you heard me right. Periwinkles and kittens.

And when you travel around on a tiny fishing boat, it looks as if dolphins are jumping in the far, far distance. The water is so clear that you can see the bottom at every single jetty on the island. Visibility for divers and snorkellers on a sunny day is far, far away.

It's an awesome place.

Back to the present, something weird happened a few days ago.

These are my hermit crabs.

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I have four of them, and one fine morning my sister asked me to count them.

"Eh, how come left three?"

Then she pointed at the side of the altar.

What the...?

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How did it get there? It's nowhere near the tank, there're no wires or anything for it to climb up with, and of all places, the ALTAR?!

This should be the journey it took.

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Can somebody please explain?

Things have been great for me and Lazychoo since I got back from Tioman. Lazychoo's been so sweet to me and we've been enjoying each other's company since. We're entering a period of bliss now, and I do so hope it lasts.

Depression has lifted, although my chest has been hurting like mad. I'm kinda' worried; I don't want to see a doctor until I got my life insurance covered.

Regarding my blog post made directly before I went to Tioman. There have been people expressing their concerns for me, and I appreciate that. Thank you guys.

Then there have been people who were jealous, who prefer to remain anonymous to protect their immaturity level in my comments section.

Then, the worst, there have been people in WLNY whom I hardly know trying to scold me, using the tone Mr. Anonymous used. Like hello? Do I even know you? Did I give you the right to scold me? Who are you to me? I can just delete your message with just a click and you'll never hear from me again. *click*

To the morons in WLNY: For the last time, READ MY PROFILE. I don't add people whom I don't know well or personally in msn. IF and WHEN any of you ask me for my msn address again, I'm going to start flaming people.

IF and WHEN I add you, do NOT ask me TOTAL RUBBISH such as "schooling or working? u how old? what's your name? stay where?" or prepare to get flamed and blocked. You will get to know me better through foruming, or daily msn-ing (if we have a common topic to talk about, so to speak) and NOT asking rubbish questions.

It's okay to be straightforward, it's a free country. But remember: like you are entitled to straightfoward-ness, I am entitled to accept/not accept your comments. Like you are entitled to post your opinions on the forum, I am also entitled to shoot you down with my opinions. Understand?

Gawd, some people are dumb.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Back from Tioman!

Pictures first, before I say anything else about the trip because you probably won't be able to read much with pictures all over the place.

First off, all scenic photos below are taken from OUR BALCONY. Jealous? You should be.

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This should be on the second day right before we went snorkelling, taken with my dad.

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With my aunt, Jennifer, on the beach. Can't you see I'm trying to lick something? *she's going to kill me for this*

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That's me pretending to be a shark.

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Hunting for the fish that's permenantly underneath the jetty.

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After the half hour hike at Air Bintang.

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Messing around in Air Bintang..

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Group photo with Rikki Power, artist of awesome (but incredibly expensive) batik art. Visit him at

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The jetty. Our rooms (we've got two) are directly at the end of the jetty, top floor.

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Discover scuba! I don't have a cert yet, so the instructors buddied up with us and maintained out bouyancy for us.

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Photos taken underwater will be uploaded in next post when I scan in the photos.

After the dive.
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The main instructor, Drew. As in Drew Carey, Drew Barrymore (private joke).

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Walking back to the jetty after shedding the heavy scuba stuff.

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Drinking at a an awesome pub called Safety Stop we found at Tekek village.

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With Don, owner of the pub. He's very, very friendly. Do drop by if you're around the area anytime.

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Suntanning on the beach.

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The road leading to the private beach..

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...where we caught four of these (check out the bikini behind). They're sitting on my living room table now, and don't ask how I brought them back.

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Marine Park!

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This is me moments before I went flying into the water..

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Feeding the parrotfishes.

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Back at Air Bintang.

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This is what we've been using to travel around the island..

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Last night of gambling.

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A turtle fossil in the rock near our rooms.

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Coral collecting before we started the trip back.

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And we found something unrecognisable.

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What the hoot is this? It was sliming along when we chanced upon it. There was very low tide that day, so some people in MOP said it might be a sea slug that got stuck.


Woah, look at the time. Gotta run! Update you as soon as I can, do be patient.

Friday, April 14, 2006

That's it..'ve just pushed me over the edge.

Not going to elaborate what I'm going to do here, dear readers, but I will think about it during my Tioman trip. This relationship's already been hanging by a thread these past few days, all it takes is just a tiny push for it to topple over. I've had enough of him testing my limits. Enough is enough.

To dear readers, I apologize for making you put up with really self-centered posts most of the time, but please understand that this is my only form of venting my frustrations.

To people/bikers who hoo-ha-ed over me today, thanks but no thanks for the attention today. Me coming out alone does not mean I don't have a boyfriend, and me rounding alone does not mean I am not attached. Just for the record, I AM STILL ATTACHED, so please put away your claws.

To the matt dark gray Ducati 748 who said goodbye and waved to me at Marina Square though, thank you. Cheered me up even though I was really down. Thanks.

Thanks to my two friends who chatted with me and brought me back to earth, you know who you are.

Thanks to all, especially the one who made me seal myself up again.

*UPDATE* I forgot to add this last night.

I went up to 170km/h on the CTE last night! MUAHAHAHA~!~! Could've gone higher than that but I was already turning into the Yishun exit, and there was a truck ambling along in front of me so I had no choice but to slow down.

More rounding tonight! Wave to me if you see me on the road, guys.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

This is me..

... being really bo liao and uploading photos from my handphone to post here.

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Introducing Ben-no-dick,

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who for some reason wanted me to take this photo of him looking really smug.

This was when I was working as a promoter at the recent IT show and Vik in the panda suit.

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This is Brandy on Lazychoo's bike..

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And us curled up in my sister's room watching TV with Tracy.

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Okay, my main purpose of blogging today wasn't to show off how badly the photos are taken, but because I have something to get off my chest.

To people who know me personally and people who will get to know me personally: Please be careful with your words when talking to me.

I have been classified by others as an eccentric girl, and the most unexpected things can affect my mood be it done on purpose or not. I would prefer to think of it as the latter most of the time, but I can't control my mood. I'd get all moody and when I get moody, stay away from me on the road.

I ride fast when I'm happy. I ride faster when I'm angry. But worst of all, I ride like a speed demon when I'm sad.

I don't remember major things like events and dates. But somehow I remember the smallest things like light conversation that aren't important enough to mull over.

Be really, really careful of what you say or do because I will remember the things that an impact on me, sometimes for years.

And to make matters worse, I piece together conversations and events and somehow I always come up with a big picture which is usually right on most of the time. Although I am a sotong most of the time, I am sharper than most of you think.

Take, for example, Lazychoo. I remember things he told me more than half a year ago, and by and by, incidents come up to confirm things which I thought were true. Two places, Serangoon and Bukit Batok. Think about it. I even know which part of Bukit Batok, and which condo. Because I caught him staring at it for a long time and I remember him saying something about his past with Bukit Batok.

So here we are, all moody again. This time, I don't even know what to do. Maybe I should get a personal notebook and write all the private things I feel that I shouldn't write here. Maybe that would make me feel better.

Lazychoo once said that we shouldn't let the past affect our present. But what if the past is brought forward into the present?

I felt he didn't bother to care about my feelings, so I didn't bothered to care about his for once too. One, I realised I couldn't stop caring about his feeling no matter how hard I tried, two, while this isn't as shallow as just wanting to take revenge, it leads me nowhere. And three, it wasn't a nice feeling.

So yes, I am left with an empty feeling of not knowing which steps to take next. And yes, the more I get hurt, the more I seal myself up.

Just, for present and would be friends, be careful of what you say and do to me.

I will remember.

Aaaanyway, here're the rest!

I sent my bike for servicing once, and spent the entire process disturbing my mechanic with questions. Here's my reward...

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...knowledge (note: might be wrong because it happened a few days ago and he only told me once. I don't have a good memory). He even taught me about the jetting specs and roughly how to piece together an engine. He promised that the next time he does servicing for me, he'd let me have some hands-on experience.

For your eyes only, this happened a couple of weeks ago.

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No, it's not photoshopped. It's the lousy quality of my camera phone. Anyway, half the tree broke off and fell down after a spell of freak winds one afternoon. This is the magnitude of the damage measured against me:

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Luckily there were no bikes parking in the slot where the tree fell.

And HAHA! I've finally got it! Dear readers, this is a picture of Kenny Rogers!

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Roger (right) is going to kill me. Muahahahaha~

Even now he lies
In my face, not knowing that he's the one slashing me apart
In my eyes, not knowing that desolation is creeping in
In my heart, not knowing that day by day
That day by day
What we have is getting weaker
What we loved was getting further
Night by night
My tears are flowing freer
Week by week
That time is only passing
Month by month
That I can see the ending..

I'm just too darn sharp and sensitive for my own good.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Blogging from Lazychoo's computer

Shall I mentally torture myself today? But haven't I tortured myself enough yet?

No. It will never be enough to cover the pain.

Here we go...

Monday, April 03, 2006

I'm Back!

Internet finally back up! It's only temporary though, my computer guy lent me his modem for awhile until Lazychoo passes me another one.

First off, Bibi's gone to a new foster home.

Let me try to remember what happened since my last post.... .. .. ..

Ah! First, the ARC (Aprilia Riders Club) meeting! Not that I was an integral part of it, me being a Mito and all, but it was nice having most of the Aprilians together having supper. They had the committee representatives chosen and a new club president was born. But anyway, it wasn't THAT much of a success because the group was split into two: the interest and the uninterested. The latter of the two spent the entire meeting dozing off at the next table.

Ah well. Might be for the best. I just think that riding should be a fun thing, instead of having a club and restrictions in compliance with upkeeping the club's reputation.

Shortly after that was the second ladies' outing. Can you guess where this is going?

Yes! More pictures!

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At Khatib Mac's

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Mad people running around

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Left to right: yours truly, Shirley, Pighead, Nora, Tiantian

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Like I said, mad people.

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At Labrador Park

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The sleeping beauty

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Who snatched a kiss when no prince came to kiss her

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The guys who tagged along

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The ladies

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Left to right: Rebby, Pighead, Tiantian, Shirley, Redressme and yours truly

Body attack!

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And the siao people attacking Chinu

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Kelvin's turn to be the merry-go-round

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I see mad people.

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Group photo!

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And us @ West Coast Mac

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End of impromptu lady rider's outing.

Found a battle zone at home when I went back that night. Huge war in such magnitute that I had to send my sister over to my grandmother's place to stay for a few days.

Found this in my fridge a few days later after my sister came home.

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A tiramusi cake! Half of it is still in my fridge, we can't finish it. Some help please?

Got to know a couple more people during this time of blog absence. Namely the ___Ride___ people, the Northern Knights and miscellaneous people at the Dam. Been hanging out pretty much with the Northern knights recently too. Which was how we got the tickets to the Mediacorp studios to catch the Never Say Die filming.

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Alexander's friend got the tickets from Steven Lim, so technically we're supposed to support Steven Lim but me and Lazychoo ended up supporting the guy with the big mouth. Both of us even got interviewed at the end of the show! But, needless to say, we both gave crap answers.

We went to the dam after having prata after the show. This was taken by Alexander.

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With some bloke blocking my bike. D'oh!

Me and Lazychoo went out with his friends to catch a movie on Friday (I think) at Causeway Point. Before the movie, we went into the arcade and Lazychoo got me a present!

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Ta-da~ Isn't it nice? He caught it with three tries on one of the machines. I'm so proud of my Lazychoo!

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On a sidetrack, the above is how scary Jazzy looks without makeup on.

The more I know of you, the less makeup I wear. So when you see me totally without makeup, that's when I start to trust you. Feel honoured.

Piggy now sits next to my pillow.

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Guess who's baby clothes are those? Guess lah.

They're over 20 years old now.

They're MINE! Haha.. which means if I spoil it my mother will never let me see the end of it.

Aaannd anyway, thanks to the people whom I trusted. Thanks a lot leh. Thanks for talking behind my back. And thanks for letting me lose faith in friendship.

But I never seem to learn. I think I am THAT gullible.

The other day while out with the Aprilians, Vik got angry at the table of guys at 925 who were pointing and talking about me when I passed by. Thanks brother, for being so protective of me. That is just so sweet.

I appreciate you people who treat me ad a brother/sister, and not as a chai. I don't need the attention that you guys usually give chais, but I do need the friendship and respect that comes along with brotherhood/sisterhood. Thanks.