Saturday, December 17, 2005

Just received a phone call from Wilson, a long time friend whom I used to play basketball with back in secondary school. He wants a basketball session tomorrow evening with the rest of the gang. We haven't met for a year now, the last time I met them was during a gathering to sentosa.

Anyway, Wilson sounded so different! Where was that shy guy I used to know? Now he sounds so outgoing over the phone! I guess everybody's grown up in a way. Maybe Wilson just grew up too.

Anyway, treasure hunt today! We made this:

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And this!

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For the quest. We actually found the quest from a thread posted by a friend of mine a couple of weeks back, and out of boredom registered for it.

Woke up quite early for the thing, met up at Mac with the rest of the teammates Adrian and Daniel with Kenny and my sister for breakfast before heading off to Marina Bay for the meeting point. Kenny's first time taking public transport for over a year!

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After getting shirts and messing around with the banner..

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.. we got on the MRT with anticipation. We missed a stop! Lucky for us there were other groups on the train, and we knew something was wrong when they got off at City Hall. Anyway, the train to Harbourfront was almost empty..

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.. which resulted to us messing around having a cabin to ourselves.

Went all the way to Sentosa where a cock-up was waiting for us, did some weird lame stuff and went on to our second destination to drink some truly disgusting stuff. After vomitting in one of the twin towers of the Southernmost Tip of Continental Asia (or something like that), we deciphered the third clue and went on to the Sentosa Office to play with jigsaw puzzles like kids again. I jumped into the sea at the forth station to collect ping pong balls from the sea.

End of summary of what should be a long and detailed blow-by-blow account of today's events because I am such a lazy girl.

There were four standard stations we had to pass, solving a clue before we get to know the next station's location. After passing all four stations, we had a puzzle challenge.

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When we reached the ending point where all the puzzle action was, we were the 4th team. The first team to solve everything and run off is the winner. Guess who's team got first?

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Our prize: $500 bucks and a spa voucher. Wowza!

The rest of the miscellenous pictures:

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It was fun. If there were any more treasure quests or something like this I'd be happy to join again.

I know this post doesn't sound like the usual me because everything's coming out in bits and pieces and everything's all jumbled up in my mind so they all come out that way. I'm sick and I'm tired and I need sleep. Maybe my next post won't sound so airy, eh?

"i don't want to see i don't want to know i don't want to care i don't want to touch that thing i know where that came from i know why its still with you i don't know how i know but i just do its a female's sixth sense i guess. i don't want to see i don't want to know i don't want to care i don't... i know."

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