Tuesday, August 07, 2007


We spent last night at MH's house. It was his seventh day.

Many of the group are finally coming to terms with his death, and spent most of the night speculating about anything and everything.

I, however, just want to recount the sorrow of the past few days.

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MH's funeral. Many of us did not, could not, and didn't want to believe that he was gone. Part of the reason was that it was a closed coffin affair.

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Lazy was part of the group who carried his coffin to the van. They were all so nervous that they gathered at a side and practiced lifting the coffin.

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After having MH's father wrench our hearts out with his grief, we went to Bright Hill Drive for the cremation. It was a lot quicker than expected, and everybody came back with a surreal feeling.

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A certain thrashy Chinese newspaper has got nothing better to report.

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Anonymous said...

You really have got no respect for him. How can you post such thing on your blog and happyily taking photos when you're there? you think it's funny? it's his wake/funeral you know? Not his party. please show some respect to the Deceased. thank you.

jazzyme said...

How can't I post such posts? In what way is it disrespectful? I haven't post any degrading photos now, have I? It's his funeral, were you there? Are you his friend? Only know how to act big mouth. Who's the disrespectful one here?

Again, dumb people like to read between the lines. In which way was this post funny at all? Did I say it was his party? I didn't even post the pictures of the entire group having fun and laughing away lor. It's all part and parcel of the grieving proccess. Who are you to say anything?

I think you just have your underwear pulled way too high that you have to go nitpicking on other people's blogs for things to make a fuss about. Please show some respect for both the deceased and the blogmistress.

Unmasked said...

Take it easy. We are free to post anything we want, as long as it is not offensive.

The blog entry was not offensive. I think it shed light on the events of that day without straying away from neutrality.

Some people feel that photo taking is disrespectful to the dead. To us, its ok. I'd love to have a stand-up comedian at my funeral. We cannot change the mindsets of others. Some prefer to stay true to convention, and traditions.

Respect and filial piety needs to be shown to the living. Fat lot of good it would do the the dead. Its what we hold in our hearts that truly matters.