Monday, April 28, 2008

Peaches is missing

.. and I am heartbroken.


Will you help me find him? He's not used to flying, and he doesn't know to fear cats, and he can't find food on his own. Please help me..

If you have news of Peaches please call Lazy at 94879127.

I am going to print lost notices and hang them all around. I'm sending out emails to the animal organisations and I hope someone will bring him in. I am also going to start knocking on the doors of everyone on this block to ask if they've seen Peaches soon.

Please help me.


Anonymous said...

Can tell us location? So that I can ask my friends to look out for it?

Have faith, Peaches will be back.

jazzyme said...

It's at Yishun 300+ area, behind the secondary school.