Wednesday, March 04, 2009


S'time to explain about the fuss about the certs the other day.

I needed them for a sort-of interview with - of all people - Lazy's ex-best friend's ex-girlfriend, also Lazy's friend. Who also has the same name with - of all people - Lazy's ex-girlfriend.

Which makes me ever so slightly uncomfortable with calling her by name. But it's getting better, I can listen to her name without flinching now.

And woohoo! I am now working part-time for her as an English tutor for some of her lower primary classes.

It's good because I get to work on my online store in the middle of the night without worrying that I'd oversleep the next day, because tuitions start late.

I did a couple of classes last night with primary 2s and primary 3s. Although I could've sworn that my blood pressure shot up three-fold, but it was an amazing experience for me. The kids were precious, even the naughty ones. And it's so satisfying when you see that they're actually learning something from you and putting it into context. Especially the two primary two girls.

Damn cute.

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