Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holy Shit Holy Shit Holy Shit

So I stayed up late one night watching TV after Lazy fell asleep playing with his PS3. At around 4am (yes, there is a 4am) some Korean show came on, about some tutor and some rebellious rich kid who stayed back 2 grades.

I don't usually watch Korean or Japanese films (unless its in the horror genre), but I was bored and too lazy to reach for the remote, so I ended up watching the whole show.

By the end of the show, I was swooning over the guy.

I.. kind of forgot what his name is. But HOLY SHIT is he HOT!


What the hell have I been missing?! How many more hunks speaking in different languages are there out there?

Hot damn, I want a piece of this! And his face is super cute too.


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