Friday, July 08, 2005

I don't really know what to post today.

Seriously, I'm developing a very serious blogger's block. A lot of people don't notice, but blogging consistantly isn't easy. I've seen many people give up blogging within a few months, just because they're too lazy/no time to blog/don't know what to blog about.

And I am not going into the "today I did what and what and went where and where with so and so... " way of blogging, because its really boring, I might as well not blog.

Finally cleaned out the last of Mazda's, Mika's and Cash's cages, next comes the fish tank.

Did some stitchwork today that I was supposed to complete tomorrow in time for Leeling jiejie's birthday, but it was so back-breaking that I decided to get something else for her. I'll finish that stitchwork on my own time.

Don't really know why, but I am so into jazz nowadays. No, not ME, the music genre jazz you nincompoop. Had the pink champange CD in my stereo while I was stitching away.

Hm.. block.. block.. block..

Ah yes, in any case of a serious blogger's block, I will write articles about a few specific friends of mine. Doesn't matter if you're close to me or not, if you're a friend of mine, watch out!


PS: For those of you who come here for the kick of thinking this blog is X-rated, you'll be disappointed. I am not so desperate for people to visit as to resort to turning it into an X-rated blog.

So there!

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