Friday, July 29, 2005

Gawd, I am in such a foul mood now.

Bad hair day, bad mood day. Get the fuck away from me.

Anyway, stayed up the entire night yesterday just to finish the Da Vinci Code. If you've read it, congrats to being an elite part of an enlightened group. If you haven't, what are you waiting for?

Jesus Christ was a mortal, Mary Magdalene was his wife and the bearer of his child. Mona Lisa's secret behind her mysterious smile. There are so much more, but I don't want to spoil the surprise for you people who haven't read it yet.

*shit, I think I've revealed too much already*

And to those who found the book boring (namely that fat girl from the forum), you are a complete nincompoop. I bet you don't even understand what the author is trying to say. Oh ya, I bet you 'claim' that the book is boring because it challenges your faith.

You who wear your heart proudly on your sleeve. It's really irritating. If you really revere God, you would revere him in your heart and not run around claiming that you love God and irritating people who aren't Christians. It's people like you who make other non-Christians dislike Christians.

(note: I said Christians, meaning the people who follow that religion. Not the religion itself. So don't come shouting at for ruining "the good name of Christianity". And don't come preaching to me about how "good" and "true" it is, I know far too much about the religion to believe in it.)

Anyway, does anyone know how to play Guy Sebastian's 'Angels Brought Me Here' on guitar? I need to learn it in time for Leeling jiejie's wedding, so I can play for her on stage.

Yes, I know there'll be thousands of people and I'd probably just shame myself, but somehow I feel that I simply MUST gather up my courage and do it. So what if I make a blunder? It's not as if I'm doing something shameful.

Hm.. there's this lovely creature down beside my computer table.

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And she's been there accompanying me all throughout my cursings and ramblings (I'm in a bad mood, remember?), not to mention hearing me repeatedly sing "Angels Brought Me Here", trying to reach the high and low notes.

Have planned a schedule for studying, seeing as there's only three months left to my exams. I won't be going out of the house often anymore, except if someone offers to pay my clubbing entrance fees on a Friday night *grins*.

Just look at this now..

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The domestic helper who comes in the morning everyday is going to have a fit when she sees this. Aren't we evil?

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