Monday, April 03, 2006

I'm Back!

Internet finally back up! It's only temporary though, my computer guy lent me his modem for awhile until Lazychoo passes me another one.

First off, Bibi's gone to a new foster home.

Let me try to remember what happened since my last post.... .. .. ..

Ah! First, the ARC (Aprilia Riders Club) meeting! Not that I was an integral part of it, me being a Mito and all, but it was nice having most of the Aprilians together having supper. They had the committee representatives chosen and a new club president was born. But anyway, it wasn't THAT much of a success because the group was split into two: the interest and the uninterested. The latter of the two spent the entire meeting dozing off at the next table.

Ah well. Might be for the best. I just think that riding should be a fun thing, instead of having a club and restrictions in compliance with upkeeping the club's reputation.

Shortly after that was the second ladies' outing. Can you guess where this is going?

Yes! More pictures!

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At Khatib Mac's

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Mad people running around

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Left to right: yours truly, Shirley, Pighead, Nora, Tiantian

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Like I said, mad people.

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At Labrador Park

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The sleeping beauty

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Who snatched a kiss when no prince came to kiss her

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The guys who tagged along

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The ladies

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Left to right: Rebby, Pighead, Tiantian, Shirley, Redressme and yours truly

Body attack!

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And the siao people attacking Chinu

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Kelvin's turn to be the merry-go-round

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I see mad people.

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Group photo!

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And us @ West Coast Mac

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End of impromptu lady rider's outing.

Found a battle zone at home when I went back that night. Huge war in such magnitute that I had to send my sister over to my grandmother's place to stay for a few days.

Found this in my fridge a few days later after my sister came home.

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A tiramusi cake! Half of it is still in my fridge, we can't finish it. Some help please?

Got to know a couple more people during this time of blog absence. Namely the ___Ride___ people, the Northern Knights and miscellaneous people at the Dam. Been hanging out pretty much with the Northern knights recently too. Which was how we got the tickets to the Mediacorp studios to catch the Never Say Die filming.

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Alexander's friend got the tickets from Steven Lim, so technically we're supposed to support Steven Lim but me and Lazychoo ended up supporting the guy with the big mouth. Both of us even got interviewed at the end of the show! But, needless to say, we both gave crap answers.

We went to the dam after having prata after the show. This was taken by Alexander.

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With some bloke blocking my bike. D'oh!

Me and Lazychoo went out with his friends to catch a movie on Friday (I think) at Causeway Point. Before the movie, we went into the arcade and Lazychoo got me a present!

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Ta-da~ Isn't it nice? He caught it with three tries on one of the machines. I'm so proud of my Lazychoo!

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On a sidetrack, the above is how scary Jazzy looks without makeup on.

The more I know of you, the less makeup I wear. So when you see me totally without makeup, that's when I start to trust you. Feel honoured.

Piggy now sits next to my pillow.

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Guess who's baby clothes are those? Guess lah.

They're over 20 years old now.

They're MINE! Haha.. which means if I spoil it my mother will never let me see the end of it.

Aaannd anyway, thanks to the people whom I trusted. Thanks a lot leh. Thanks for talking behind my back. And thanks for letting me lose faith in friendship.

But I never seem to learn. I think I am THAT gullible.

The other day while out with the Aprilians, Vik got angry at the table of guys at 925 who were pointing and talking about me when I passed by. Thanks brother, for being so protective of me. That is just so sweet.

I appreciate you people who treat me ad a brother/sister, and not as a chai. I don't need the attention that you guys usually give chais, but I do need the friendship and respect that comes along with brotherhood/sisterhood. Thanks.

1 comment:

jazzyme said...

er.. hhmmm.. advertising again i see..