Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I want to make an update, but I'm too darn lazy.

I. Love. My. New. Job... And my new colleagues. Heh.

There's actually a lot more to say but like I said, I'm lazy. You guys will just have to wait til I'm not so smoked out balancing the new job and studies.

Was just letting my brain wander around for awhile when I got back just now. There're quite a fair bit of dark and murky things hiding in there.

Anyways, what's the difference between a murder and a homicide?

And for the newer readers, do you think it would be good to add another category at the side below my information, listing links to specially created pages explaining the who and the when and the how of everything and everybody I keep gushing about in my life?

Like, if I were to say the name "Cash" now, which image would it immediately conjure? Newer readers would think green. Older readers would remember that Cash is actually my pet African Grey who never shuts up.

What do you think?

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