Wednesday, October 03, 2007


I am so angry I have to let off some steam here or I'll explode in office tomorrow.

There are two morons in my office. Wait, scrape that, there are two idiots with no brains and shallow character who are not fit to work in an office, in my office. Their names are EP and MJ.

MJ is an overall annoying rich pampered little boy who still has little boy show-off tendencies. He likes to stand behind the new batch's girls (read: me and two other new colleagues) and watch us as we work, as if he were our superior. He also has, on one occasion (which was caught, red-handed, by me) went through my e-mail messages without my permission. He likes to harass people early in the morning by walking around, standing behind people whilst they pretended to be busy to get him off their backs. He likes to ask what everyone's score was (i.e how many companies we made appointments with) all day long, and you can actually tell that he's gritting his teeth when he congragulates you on being better than him. Has an extremely vulgar mouth. He couldn't stop swearing and cursing whenever we're out of the office. He was voted THE most annoying person we have ever met.

EP is an atas-beng who has more brawn than brains. He forcefully reminds me of secondary school boys who constantly takes personal things of other girls just to get their attention. He is solely responsible for the scratch on my otherwise smooth phone. He also has totally no respect for other's dignity and space. He often picks up my phone and goes through it, sometimes with my permission, sometimes without, but keeps his possession and everything a great big secret. I wouldn't be surprised if his moonlighting is dealing with illegal stuff. He has an extremely chor lor character, and says offensive things without thinking. Either that, or he says offensive things on purpose behind people's backs.

Why am I so annoyed with these two?

I left office early (read: on time) yesterday and intended to do a certain thing today. I informed both J, my team leader, and JL, our operations officer, and was given the green light to go home.

After I got home, EP, MJ and another fellow colleagues were downstairs smoking when EP the fucking big mouth said very loudly, within earshot of our small boss, that I cannot be trusted to do what was assigned to me, and made a great big hoo-ha about it (still within earshot of our small boss).

I shot out an e-mail to them, CC-ed to my big boss, small boss, team leader J and operations JL.

EP was silent.

MJ, however, made another great big fuss about it, and immediately retaliated by speaking in Malay to my Malay colleague right in the adjacent cubicle from mine, telling her to teach me manners. Look, moron, manners is including you in the e-mail that I sent to everyone. No manners is (literally) talking behind people's back in a language that the person don't understand, and bad-mouthing her. No manners is still trying to look over that person's shoulder to see what she's doing at her table. No manners is freaking eavesdropping and offering your fucked up (not to mention offensive) opinion when nobody asked for it.

Seriously? You shouldn't have been born. Roasted pork would've been more useful.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need to get out of that situation. it is not doing you any good at all. You do not need to be harassed by ah like that.

YuFFie said...

Office politics! Dun get angry over such garbages! They just wanna stink up ppl's mood!

Anonymous said...

You have just created a din in your office as a new staff. After effect may be positve or negative. Good Luck !

jazzyme said...

Yap. I've done nothing wrong, so my conscience is clear.

Not so angry today liao lah, I'm just totally ignoring them.

Anonymous said...

I thought u said earlier your colleagues are all you have and how nice they are... Well.. take care. The world is not as simple as you think. You still have a long way to go girl . Control yourself ., offend not as u are in a new environment. Spore is small.

Just a little advice from an oldbie.

jazzyme said...

Yeah, they're nice. But you know sometimes when you get too close to certain people and they go overboard with their actions?

Anyway, thanks for the advice! And I like the way you use the word "oldbie". OLDBIE! Hehe. I find that incredibly amusing.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you have a little of your spirit back. I read your blog every day and it really saddens me when you have bad days. Keep up your better additude, we all like it.

Anonymous said...

The more we learn the more we realise how much we don't know. Well, some times the more we know the more upset we become. Ignorance sometimes is in a way good. You have a long long way to go in this realistic world and think twice before being too impulsive.

Your future is bright but potholes along the way is inevitable. A clear mind will guide u along to tread over the potholes. Hope u get what i mean. Good Luck Girl.

From: Oldbie

Anonymous said...

office politics are always there... dun be bothered with those idiots... you are very pretty, stay cool otherwise aged easily like me...