Monday, March 10, 2008

Every Moment Awake Is Pure Agony

It is like a constant pain that never dulls. And with every minute the pain gets worse. The only solace I have is when I am asleep, and even that is fitful and broken.

Now that I have been forced awake yet again for the nth time (I don't wake up so early of my own free will. Nobody wakes up at 9am in the morning of their own free will.) I might as well stay up until I can find a way to get rid of this pain.

This horrible, sideways growing and back-of-mouth grinding WISDOM TOOTH!

I actually have all 4 already, but only this one on my upper right is causing me so much agony that I can't even think straight, much less sleep well.

I can't eat solids, it hurts when I yawn or even swallow liquids, I can't laugh, and you know what the worst part is? I have no money to have it removed.

My friendly HR deposited my cheque on Friday, which pretty much means I am still broke as of today until tomorrow afternoon. And what with people chasing after me for ridiculous loans every day since god-knows-when (They chase me to lend them money, not return them money), tbere's the added stress of my bike still in desperate need of servicing, and Mandy in desperate need of training. Not that she's an entirely bad girl, she just needs some fine-tuning.


It is so annoying not being able to say certain things that I would like to say in a fit of annoyance and disappointment because of "the powers that be" that moniter my blog. Yes, not "power", but "powers"

I think I'll just pay a visit to the dental clinic when it opens in awhile. I think I'll just sign for the bill first even though I don't like to sign for big amounts. I read in forums that upper wisdom tooth can just be plucked out, so I hope it can be done during today's visit, else I will go crazy with pain tonight.


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