Thursday, July 09, 2009


I got stuck on the road today. Twice. On the way back.

Lazy's verdict was that because I was running in the bike, I didn't clear the valve, and it got jammed.

Nice. And right after I bitched about how we're going through a rough patch. Guess it's not over. But it'll all be over soon, I am certain.

And oh yeah. Stay away from me. I feel the onset of an illness.

Oh shit.


Anonymous said...

hey how much your credit card bills all? maybe we can try help you first. -ex-mito rider

Melvin Poh said...

Eh buddy, show your new bike leh.. :)

jazzyme said...

Anon: It's ok, we can handle it. Thanks for the thought though.

Mel: It's in my facebook profile pictures. The red one.