Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Currently playing the new cd, 神的孩子都在跳舞, by Mayday a.k.a 五月天.

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Got this a couple of days ago at HMV citylink. There was this ang moh in front of me at the line, and he turned to smile at me when I got behind him. Then he turned back to the cashier because she was so desperately trying to get his attention that she was showing all her teeth in an effort to smile as brightly as possible. She looked like she was snarling.

"Here you are sir," she said cheerfully, looking so excited she might pee her pants anytime, "your receipt and purchase. Hope you had a pleasant time!"

And as I moved forward to the counter, she went "bye sir! bye!" and waved so frantically at him that she almost fell over, as though I was invisible. When her attention fell me her smile evaporated and was replaced by a bored look. She picked up my purchase and scanned the barcode, looking so bored that she could just fall asleep.

"Twenty-ninety" she mumbled curtly in a bored voice.

As I made my purchase and was stuffing the change into my wallet, I could've sworn she was whistling and staring her fingers as if she'd like nothing better than to ignore all the customers who were locals.

Patronizing little bitch.

The difference in her attitude was so extreme, it left me so traumatized that I had to be warded for psychiatric breakdown. I kept screaming ANG MO ANG MO ANG MO all the time that my dog had to sit on my head to calm me down.

I'm ok now, except for pouring a bucket of green paint on an ang mo walking past downstairs just now.

When I brought the cd home, I noticed this on the cover

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And you know what? I'm going for it.

Anyways, I've just visited the official mayday website, and it was wayyyyy cool. Go visit it sometime. And in case you’re some hillbilly who doesn’t even know who they are..

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And for those of you who don't know what their positions are in the band..

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That ah Xin's got a way with using his voice in a very mesmerizing way when he croons to the few ballads in all mayday's albums. Not to mention the fact that I almost cried when I listened to the new edited Wen Rou. *blush*

Sometimes when I have bad hair days, I sigh and think of this verse;
For every bad hair day that I have,
Somebody else has it worse! HAHA!!

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"see what see!?"

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