Friday, October 20, 2006

I hate this.

It's getting to me.

I said I DON'T WANT TO GO OUT EVERYDAY. I've said it many times. I WANT TO GO HOME!

Because Lazychoo sends me to work everyday, I spend Sundays to Thursdays overnight at his place. Fridays and Saturdays are for my place. But somehow, I can never get to stay at home and do what I want to do (except sleep) for more than ten minutes.

Finally I get some time to myself alone at home this evening, so I tried to edit and resize my pictures with what little time I had.

Mom calls. Lazychoo calls. Mom talks a lot. Lazychoo says he's coming to pick me up to go out (yet) again.

I almost smashed my own phone when mom kept talking about certain things. Mom came home. Knocks on the door to talk to me. I was curt. She asked why. I almost cried when I told her how I felt.

After that I felt so guilty about being curt with her, coupled up with the helpless feeling of wanting to be at home and have some time for myself but can't, I started sobbing at my computer table.

I can't take this anymore.

What's wrong with wanting some time on my own?

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