Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Life's getting monotonous. Never better, but monotonous.

Maybe this is what you call "the simple life". If so, I can't imagine how you'd want to live life like this every single day.

It's driving me barking mad.

Blogging straight from office now, so I have totally no pictures for you guys today.



Been thinking a lot about everything recently. And this is what I found out during one of my musings on my way to work.


People are afraid of changes.

Let me ask you this. What if one day you were to leave your current comfortable life now and step into a changed world? Or maybe your life isn't all that comfortable, but at least it's something you already know and are used to.

What if you were to take a step away from a world that you knew?

Maybe to work in a foreign land, to change jobs, to study overseas, to change schools, to migrate, to change your significant other, or even to get married.

Would you take that step?

There's this friend of mine, name withheld to protect his identity, he grew up overseas in different countries. He's now based here on our tiny little dot. As a result of having lived elsewhere for so long, he's developed this accent, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Friends of ours keep making fun of him and his accent when he's not around. I have to admit, even I myself find the things they say funny.

But think about it in-depth. Why, though? He's just being him, why can't we be more tolerant? (Unless, of course, we're talking about a buck-toothed rabbit (inside joke, sorry), then it's ok to make fun of him.) From there I got to thinking. Why are we doing this to someone who's different from us?

Is it because he's different, and that we feel intimidated by him?

Is it?

He took the step into a world unknown. Be it for whatever reasons that I've stated above, he took the step.

Are you brave enough to take that step?

I know I'm not.


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