Thursday, February 15, 2007

Post-Valentine's Day Post

I wasn't expecting anything at all. Heck, I even expected him to totally ignore the thing and that we won't talk nor see each other last night.

But guess what?

Lazychoo pulled through!

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I was just sitting right at this table foruming in and blasting my new Mayday CD away when I heard noises behind me.

When I turned around, there Lazychoo was, holding a bouquet of flowers. It's a very special thing coming from him because he once said he doesn't buy flowers anymore because of a bad experience. It was also special considering what happened yesterday.

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After fussing over the flowers for awhile I went on a whirlwind of preparation to go out. Lazychoo took me to the airport, where at the carpark he said "Only smart people will choose the airport, because everywhere else had long queues."

Turns out there were a lot of smart people, because every single restaurant had hour-long waiting time. We at last settled for Pasta Fresca da Salvatore, from which we ordered too much, and had to pack up the appetizers for Samuel and the rest when we met them for their BBQ later on.

When asking for the bill, a waitress appeared with a basket in her hand and handed me a rose "for Valentine's Day."

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Lazychoo's idea to put it there.

The rose and the package got a little crumpled from the ride home, but I guess it's ok. This Valentine's Day wasn't about the money, although Lazychoo spent near to a hundred. It was about love. I love my Lazychoo.

Happy Valentine's Day, everybody!

1 comment:

Melvin Poh said...

My Dear Buddy, Happy Valentine's Day to both you and lazychoo. May both of you be surrounded by love and happiness. :P