Saturday, September 20, 2008

Detailing L.J.C.G

I've long wanted to post this, but never did because I at least gave chance to undeserving people, even if they're morons. However, this one cannot be kept away because it is simply too unfair for me to NOT talk about it.

I know I am being as immature as he is by publishing this post. This will be the last post on the topic and no more.

I got to know this person at the dam, introduced by other busa-rians. He has his name on his bike, so I remembered him as the dude with funny name (tell me LJ is not funny). He contacted me a few months back and asked me to be his PA.

According to him, it was HIS company and that he was the biggest there. Over MSN, he offered a $2k salary to work for him as a PA. He enticed me with a couple of employee benefits that he would personally give. But when I left my old company, he told me I had to wait. For a couple of weeks. Which turned into months without work.

When I finally joined the company, he told me that because he was NOT the biggest there, someone else who was bigger than him did NOT want him to get another employee. He said he fought for me and they finally agreed on taking me on as part-time for a few weeks.

A record low of $6 an hour for me. I have never felt as worthless as this.

I agreed, because he promised a "power" testimonial, stating that we were friends and that he can and would write anything he wants. He also suggested that because we were friends, I would be able to lie on my resume saying that I've worked with this company for years and that he would back it up. Also, he smokes in office, allowing me to smoke in office too.

He was nice though insincere at first. Every chance he gets he would try to get close to me or touch me. Hand, shoulder, major uncomfortable. He would meet me for lunch and would not take no for an answer.

However, as time progresses, the moronic things start to come out. First day of my work, I sat outside for 2 hours before he woke up and came to office. Thereafter he gave me the keys to the office, so he can continue to wake up late. He was in office at an average of 2pm every day. Which totally wasn't my problem except that I had absolutely nothing to do during the mornings, and when he starts anything at 2pm or after, he usually rushes me and tells me that there is very little time left, and I often wind up doing moronic things for free after working hours.

For example. There was this once, I think he came in around 4-5pm. He sent me an e-mail, asked me to print it out and memorize and summarize the entire 10 over pages within 5 minutes. I can't even finish reading the god-damn thing and neither can he, but he enjoyed lording over me so much that he gave himself a self-satisfied smile. I ended up doing the totally redundant (not to mention retarded) thing until near 8pm. It wasn't so much as retarded this thing was, it was that if he came in earlier we could've wrapped up the thing by 6pm.

He likes to come in late, and ask me to do a whole day's worth of work in 3-4 hours (which is usually extended, for free) like shipments and packaging, or emails, or billings etc. Not only that, he likes to waste time in office, and then tell the Jippunese bosses that he spends a lot of time in office, oh how much he loves his job blah blah blah.

Wasting time in office during office hours = playing xbox, playing games on his computer, reading books, sleeping in office, doing all of the above just after offloading a shitload of work to be done within a few hours on me wihout helping. Staying on the phone for hours with different bosses, backstabbing every single boss he has by telling this boss bad things about that boss, and telling that boss bad things about this, and bitching about how he doesn't like that Jippunese boss who visited some time ago because he feel that he was incompetant because his English was not good, when in fact it was LJ who was the incompetant one with bad English, feeling intimidated by that Jippunese.

Another perfect example was the night when Lazy stayed with me in office til midnight. For free. Also doing moronic things that I didn't even understand because the project happened way before I joined the company, all because LJ came in the afternoon that day.

By the way, I did not have OT pay.

Apparently, as I was to learn from him and the people around, that there used to be a whole team of people working there. LJ was then a kuching-kurak employee. During one of the projects, their regional manager was accused of stealing money. To preserve his dignity, he left the company. The rest of the team, in support of him, also left. Only LJ was left behind. For some weird reason I'll never understand, the headquarters deemed it fit to pull this kuching-kurak person up to become a country manager. Judging from what I see in him, I wouldn't put it past him to have set up the entire stealing-money-during-the-project gig but what do I know. I've only heard from people who know him that he enjoys borrowing money from others and pulling a disappearing act.

When I joined the company, he was totally new to the managerial role. In that sense, even I had more managerial experience than him, only not in this specific industry. As you can expect from a person like him who did not climb up the normal way, he relished being a manager and having someone to lord over, while not comprehending his own incompetance at the job.

Examples of him being a shitty manager. There was this once, it was raining cats and dogs and I sent an SMS to him telling him I'd like to wait til the rain was smaller before I went to office, because on that particular day my raincoat was not with me. Apparently the SMS did not get through, and he gave me a face and refused to talk to me all day long. The very next day he had visitors from some nameless company, and when packing an urgent shipment (he still wasn't talking to me at this point) he suddenly and loudly scolded me and told me that I should've come to office even during a heavy rain, right in front of his visitors. I pointed out that I did not have my raincoat with me at that time and he said he would buy one for me.

LJ has this problem. There are a lot of paperwork and procedures that he did not teach me to do, but at some point expects me to already know so if I asked him, he will give me the face. I was doing some paperwork for the stock at this point and made a mistake, obviously because he did not teach me what procedures there were to extracting stock, and he bloody shouted at me in front of his visitors.

There was even a few times, when he was pissed at me for something, he arrived at noon to office (by the way, I don't have a lunch time. If he is not in office, I cannot go out. If he is in office, he usually gives me shit work to do that I am unable to go for lunch) and refused to talk to me. He angrily turned on his mp3 and blasted it as loud as he could, and asked me for a document over MSN. His seat was right in front of me.

This is how childish he can get.

More examples. During the early stages of me joining this company, I did some goods returns for him. (You won't believe how many return cases we have and how long it takes to process them. Let's just say that Lazy's company once took goods from this company long ago, and then stopped because of the returns.) All he showed me was to fill in a form, take another piece of working stock and give to customer. That's it. Later on I was to find out (by a series of scoldings) that I needed to key in which stock I took out, serial number and etc, which by then I did not have the information because I obviously could not ask the customer to come back. And the funny part of this was that he only told me about this one whole month after I joined, which means I had to find a way to get the information for the past month. And if I don't? He'll give that self-satisfied smile in knowing that I did something wrong.

To further summarize the above example, he is the type of person who would throw a sales report at me and expect me to do the next sale report, without teaching me how. And when I am unable to do it, it's the face from him. He expects me to learn IDA registration and certain bank related matters by myself, when he doesn't even know how to. He even asked me to find out more about GST and CPF because he did not know how to do it.

Also, because of his late hours, whenever a customer comes in the morning and I am unable to give them their goods because my moronic boss was at home sleeping and the warehouse keys are with him, I get scolded by customer. If I don't, I feel sorry for them that they made the trip only to find an irresponsible country manager of this router company.

After a while I saw no sense in coming to office early, since he wasn't around most of the time and all I did was surf during the mornings, I stopped coming to office on time. He got pissed about that, and asked me to come on time, but refused to come in the mornings himself. All he did was obsess about it and started counting the time that I was late to office, never counting the time I stayed back to help him finish his idiotic last-minute things.

Being the bao-ka-leow (everything also I do) in the office for $6 an hour, I obviously handle all his claims too. He claims for every single bleddy thing, even his meals or his parties at clubs. I can't actually believe that the Jippunese boss actually approved the claims for his clubbing membership card.

Also, while I'm bitching about him and working in this company, my favourite pair of riding heels got spoilt because I was sent to the bank, for a period of time, every single day of the week for one thing or another. And the bank wasn't exactly a walk in the park, it was a long walk, usually under the hot sun. Apparently, he lacks the ability to consolidate the things so I don't need to make so many trips, in fact I think he enjoys having me make so many trips. And if it weren't for my ingenius mind I probably would've had to make a few more trips even further to central area, for another bank. Freaking moron. Ask me to do redundant things.

Most of what he tells me to do is usually multiple work, and the annoying thing is he tells me to do things step by step. He could tell me to do item A, and when I finish, to do item B, and when I finish, to merge A and B. And that's where I can get incredibly annoyed, because my mind is constantly analyzing things and when I immediately see the link to which I could've done it in another way where I didn't need to do multiple work, I get cranky.

Also, remember this? It was him. To summarize, he sneakily read my MSN chat logs and gave me hell for it. And the workload got heavier and he got more unreasonable after that. Rummaging through people's things is really quite rude, rummaging through people's things and leaving them in a mess on the table is absolutely moronic.

In case you still don't get what I do in the office, for $6 an hour and OT free, I get to

" ... Primary roles in finance and administrative duties including payroll, invoicing, handling banking issues, IDA liaison, sales and stock reports, standard paperwork (tracking and recording etc), customer goods returns, overall daily running of office and maintaining of office supplies. Other roles include shipping and delivery issues, warehouse maintenance, minor sales roles in quotations, and liaison with regional countries. HR roles include claims approval issues. Other roles include phone duties, customer service, liaising with Japan headquarters on stock movement and allocations, and ad-hoc duties that require attention. "

Extracted from my resume. On top of this kind of things which I feel underpaid for because I feel that I am more competant than he is, I get the above shit from him.

And like you've all seen in my previous post, he is a master of the art of peng-weh (going back on his words). He tells me to do item A in this way, and when I finish item A in this way he would scold me and ask why I did it this way. If he's in a better mood he'd skip the scolding and ask me to re-do it THAT way. Also, promise a testimonial, and then saying "ok then no testi" which means he indirectly admits to not being able to keep promises. Promised a full-time $2k salary job, to which he firstly lowered to $1.8k, and then refused to convert me because of my bitchings about him on my MSN chat log. Managers, if you are unable to commit a certain amount, don't promise that amount to potential employees in a bid to get them to join you.

I talked to a couple of people who knows him about this, and found out that he was already like this years before. Apparently, he is a huge ABC (alligator, buaya, crocodile), a liar and a hypocrite. I also found out about the money-lending and disappearing act from them.

There are so many other things that I feel is unjust, but ah well. Let me be the bigger person by stopping here.

1 comment:

feathers said...

No wonder his name is LJ, lolz, such an asshole!!