Monday, May 25, 2009


We're going to the MayDay concert in August!

As many of you know, I am a ridiculously huge MayDay fan (and so are thousands of other MayDay fans).

Photos from their last concert and autograph session.





So I went queueing for the tickets yesterday and got stuck in front of and behind 2 pairs of females. There's a pair who cut the queue right in front of me, and a pair who came after me.

I ended up listening to their mindless female banter for like 4 hours. Okay, Lazy was with me for the first 2 and a half hours, after which he had to leave for his guitar class, so I got stuck with eavesdropping on other people for 1 and a half hours.

Oh. My. God. This is why I don't have close female friends. It's like making permenant awkward small talk and apparently these girls enjoy it.

Guys genuinely want to know about each others small/disgusting/random nonsense (to make fun of), and it's generally more interesting to talk to guys because it's a whole lot funnier. Even the serious stuff get turned into nonsense. Girls, just talk to each other about their day, or in this case, their trip to wherever in a super bimbotic way. It didn't help that one of the girls apparently had trouble pronouncing the letter R in Chinese, so 日本 came out sounding like 乐本.

It's excruciating.

And to make matters worse, I was wearing my 5-inch heels. Ouch.

Thank goodness we got good seats close to the external stage. I think I'm going to reach out and trip anyone who walks down that runway.

Three tickets again, this time hopefully CS can make it because it's more expensive than the last time we went.