Friday, June 09, 2006

The sweetest thing

A couple of days ago, we were on Lazychoo's van cruising along back home after our meeting with his friend.

It was a refreshing change after having to ride whenever we wanted to go anywhere. Cool air in my face, streetlights slowly passing by to the rhythm of the music we had on. Chit-chatting sweet nothings as we cheerfully made plans for the future.

Our plans for the future.

Not much the commitment part (I don't want to touch on that) but more for the earn-enough-money-so-our-lives-can-be-easier part. We planned to have a little shop selling things that we have interest in, and to do even more sidelines along the way.

Although some of the things we planned are not entirely feasible, what with the amount of capital needed and whatnots, but the sweetest thing was that he planned them with me. That he sees much of me in his future.

My concept of love has changed a lot throughout my relationship with Lazychoo, it has twisted and distorted until it has become barely recognisable by outsiders. But that night in the van, the feeling that Lazychoo gave me was very, very familiar. It feels just like when we were a new couple, right before reality and differences wrecked us both to the point where both of us did not know each other anymore.

Except that this time. the feeling is coupled with the experience and the knowledge that we're both strong enough to have gotten past the initial period (the period where the relationship is the weakest) and can still love each other, if not more. And it's the sweetest feeling, ever.


Doesn't matter that his friends don't really like me, I'm in love with him, not them, so it doesn't really matter to me.

No more letting people walk all over me. You can all go stick a loaf of bread up your arses and die of flour poisoning (or something) before you even think about stepping all over me, making use of me or backstabbing/gossiping/judging me.

So there.

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