Wednesday, August 30, 2006

First day of skipping work

And what a shiok day it is! Been raining since god-knows-when, the air-condition's temperature is just right as I bury my face deeper into my blanket. Time now is 2.59pm, and I've only just woken up.

So what's the first thing an avid blogger who doesn't get to blog much since she started work does when she skips work and gets to stay at home?

No prizes for guessing then.


Today's totally random topic:

Have you ever noticed that in fashion boutiques there is always a line of men waiting outside the changing room for their girlfriends/wives/lovers? They all look a little awkward and give little uncomfortable but knowing smiles to each other, or for the more unfriendly play a little stare game, as if to warn the other against looking at his girlfriend/wife/lover when she comes out.

You men think this is unfair to men right?

On the other hand, down in the game arcades, you'll find women standing/sitting around waiting for their boyfriends/husbands/lovers to finish gaming. Undoubtly, no one smiles at each other. Each and every one of them thinks they have the best, the coolest, the winner as their boyfriend/husband/lover. They wait, and they wait, and then they wait some more until they realize that there is some kind of unexplained bond between the average male and the average game machine.

You ladies think this is unfair too, right?

Then again, there is always a balance in the world. Imagine if we lived in a world where men did not stand in a line in fashion boutiques, and women did not stand around looking bored in arcades. There'll be quarrels and arguments left, right, center. Where will the love go?

Ok, now I'm just being crappy again.


Heads up to Bret from wholivesnearyou and Casper from Singaporebikes, both of whom actually recognized me outside without having my bike anywhere near by. As you know, most people usually recognise me by my bike, even friends who already knew me. So it is a big thing for me when people actually don't need to help of my bike to recognise me.

So once again, thanks Bret and Casper, you made me feel much appreciated.



I missed those days when you were still a good buddy of ours. In fact, I don't even understand why a small argument would lead to such a big one that you actually bore a grudge against us for so long.

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Of all the people that we've lost, I missed you the most. Because you were like a brother to me, although you were older than me I've always treated you as a younger brother, hearing stories of your younger days made me want to protect you as a younger brother.

After our argument, you once implied that once you get your big bike you'd come out with us, because you couldn't stand being the small bike in our group, even though Anthony was also riding a small bike and I haven't even started riding yet.

I waited so long for you to get your big bike just so that you'd come out with us again. But I was wrong. You got your RVF, and still refused to talk to us until we saw you at the dam and persuaded you to come to our Jurong Bird Park outing with us next month, which you refused.

Kenny made a point the other day, that made me realised something. If we started to contact you only now, you'd think it was because of your big bike. You'd think we only want to get you back because you now have a big bike and that we're shallow people who don't want to associate with small bikes.

You're wrong. We want you back because you were like a brother to us. We want you back because we missed that smile of yours. We want you back because we were used to that funny way of talking you had. We want you back because you're our Sam.

I guess I miss you riding your awfully tarted up SP.

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It's all gone now. Things have become irreversible. You've started associating yourself with people like mysticspa (not that it's a bad thing) and hang out with big bikes only.

I get the point. I'll stop contacting you, if that's what you want.

However hard it is to say this, I'll have to say it. Goodbye, Sam.


Working in the hospital, you see different things everyday. Like the three cute doctors I've seen so far, and the one big shot doctor with the weird mood swings, who can launch into a full-scale lecture when a nurse asked him why he was back at work when he's on leave.

You must have have either a very strong mind, or a very bo-chup attitude (which I see in most nurses) because all the pain and the sickness gets to you deep inside. They crawl underneath your skin and shoot straight to your heart.

You see very nice patients, who despite the pain try to smile at you and was nice in making enquiries. You see anxious people who have nothing to worry about but think that they're going to die soon. You see old friends whom you've haven't met for a year or so in and out of hospital for a recently discovered brain tumor.

His name is K. He has brain cancer which he discovered about three weeks ago. He was still serving his NS up to the point of discovery. He is only 21.

How could things like this happen to such a sweet guy like him of all people?

Shit happens. Maybe it's just how you deal with it that makes you a better person.


Been thinking a lot for the last week, since I started working.

I've made really hard decisions, made lots of realisations, and made a few mistakes along the way.

Now I'm making my stand. I will not yield for material things, because if I make it big I will enjoy more of them. I will not let anyone, anyone at all, affect my decision.

About work, about life, and about relationships. I've made my decision. I'm only waiting for certain things to happen, and then I'll put those plans into place.

It's not money that keeps me happy in a relationship. Nobody should ever rely on money to keep them happy. It's the things we do and the effort and sincerity put in that makes us love each other more. And I do believe we're loving each other more each day.

Which might not be a good thing given the decision I'm about to make. Given the choice I'm about to take. Giving the dependancy of things that might happen.

If I hurt anyone in this process. I am sorry.

But you hurt me first.


I seriously hate that some people needs proof for everything that I tell them. They don't believe every word I say unless there is proof.

Look, if you don't want to believe me, don't ask me in the first place. I'm not going to go to the trouble of digging up all the evidence to prove that my words are true.

For this once, here is your stupid proof.

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Happy now?


Random Photos section

I do believe that there's always space for random photos in my blog. So here they are!

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My baby at First Motors. For the piston and conrod, It's going to kill me at $800++. Argh. Anyway, I edited my license plate this time because something bad's already happened, might as well be careful.

The happy people we met at First Motors.

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Totally engrossed in their own conversation.

And me.

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Totally engrossed in camwhoring.

This is the crazy Samuel, who found a teddy bear on the stone tablet while waiting at his girlfriend's block for Andrew.

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Playing the staring game.

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Got sick of the staring game.

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Decided to pray to the teddy bear instead. Hopefully he'll win the toto and buy new bikes for all of us.

While Samuel was still messing around with the teddy bear, I found this:

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Lazychoo got too horny. Decided to fuck the horse under the pretence of riding it.

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"Anyone got tissue? I need to clean the seat."

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Samuel: "Never mind, I'll clean it with my jeans instead."

Absolutely mad people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention, lady!
Must really say you have a gift for blogging. Its hilarious! (^.^)
Good way of taking a breather @ work.

