Monday, December 11, 2006


There was a recent bicker between me an a certain someone who gets on everyone's nerves in the Aprilian thread.

Some of the more prominent people in the club actually agree with me about what I think about this certain someone. One of them even called to tell me about it.

However, when back in the forums, in full view of everyone, they act all benevolent, telling people that they "do not want any more fighting".

You're a hypocrite, you know that, bro?

The thing was swept under the carpet. And believe me, like all things swept under the carpet this will get blown up into something big in the future.

On a similar topic, today I shall talk about a certain organization, or "club".

This club has:


People who are seperated into different groups: (1) The standard group of friends with mixed bikes. (2) The pro-Aprilians. (3) The people who keep very silent and only pop out whenever the word "club management" is mentioned.

One very irritating and annoying buck-toothed person.

Some malay mat called Amin who is an anoying brat for simply breathing the same oxygen as I am. Oh, and he's also riding illegally.

Two-faced asses who quarrel with you in private, but act all chummy with you in the forums.

People who don't really give a damn about you until they need help from you.

People who act all knowledgable and stop debates when they themselves get into debates all the time.

People with the "I forking hate this guy but I need to act nice to him for the sake of the club name."

People who bring out the club name for no reason at all at every single opportunity.

Have meetings all the time about running the club, but with most of the important people missing (i.e the actual members of the club). Attending those meetings are mostly the aforementioned people who only jump out whenever the words "club management" are mumbled.

And what is this called?

It's called Aprilian politics. And this is why, boy and girls, you should never join the ARC as a member officially, but should do so as a friend.

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