Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mind Games

You know the thing about meeting up with people you haven't met in years and years is that when you do meet them, you realize how much you've grown up through those years.

Last night I met up with Fabian, Hansheng and the ex-coach of Maris Stella High.

I got to know them back when I was still in primary school. My primary school's girls' basketball team and their school's boys' team were on very good terms, so good that we'd go and cheer for each other's games even if it did not concern us at all.

But anyway, Fabian and Hansheng were the seniors of the boys' team. I got to know them when a couple of the boys from the team decided to get to know a couple of girls from my team better (myself not included, I just tagged alone for the heck of it).

I got on better with these two than with the boys from the team, so after we all seperated we still maintained an online connection (which wasn't very strong, come to think of it).

Anyhow, last week Hansheng/Patrick/Han/Pat Pat told me online that they were meeting up this week. And for unexplained reasons (meaning I don't want to talk about it) I decided to go. Which afterwards, looking back, I think was a great decision.

We met at Minds Cafe with me being late because I got lost for half an hour, and rounded the place looking for a place to park for another half an hour.

Minds cafe is a place where you actually pay to sit inside, enjoy the not-so-cooling air-con because of the cramped space and... play games.

They provide all sorts of board games. Whatever you can think of, they have it,. They also have lots of really inconspicuous games that nobody has ever heard of before, and the staff are all knowledgable enough to explain every single one, perhaps even introduce a new game to you.

Playing games with people you feel awkward with is a definate ice-breaker. After the first 10 minutes all inhabitations were lost as we indulged in childish games like Pictionary, some-game-that-looks-and-sounds-like-bluff-but-has-funny-looking-cards and some-game-that-involves grabbing-a-stick (oooh!).

Fabian and Mr Soo (the ex-Marist coach),

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Playing the Pictionary game,

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Hansheng and I,

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Taking his other side because "the previous one looks fat",

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Camwhore buddies.

Well, that was fun. Try it sometime. Minds cafe, on the second storey of Crab Word restaurant, Boat Quay.

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