Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ok Fine

The two killer words that prematurely ends a talk originally initiated to solve problems.

You said you would understand. But you didn't.

I lost the only person who could ever understand.

To those who are not in this relationship: Stay out of it. You wouldn't like it if I told your girlfriend how to handle you, would you? We already have enough problems on our own, thank you very much.

I don't tell the whole world about the things that I do, but that doesn't mean I don't do them. It's just that, you've been facing their side so much that you don't see the things I do. You don't feel the things I've experienced. You don't... understand.

I don't cry, but that doesn't mean I don't hurt.

I had a talk last night. Seems my blog is being monitered by "the powers that be". He was called up, which initiated a lovely talk that ended with a Ok Fine.

Ok Fine.

Let's let them get between us.


1 comment:

feathers said...


Take a deep breath and look at the sky, for some reason, the sky always make my day a little better. =)