Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bored at Work

Too bored at work. Spent most of today reading blogs of friends, of strangers, and of people I've come to know through reading their blogs but they probably don't know me because I don't like advertising my own blog through the comments section of other people's blogs.

Anyways, I realised that most people around me, who owns a relatively interesting blog (as opposed to those where-they-went-and-what-they-did-today blogs) are the ones who think a lot. And it reflects a lot on their blogs.

Mine's more of the gibberish kind of posts because I don't actually plan what to write. My fingers just move across the keyboard of their own accord, and it doesn't help that my language is going either.

The ones I read today were ones with most of their posts revolving around life, love, whatever. Sounds simple? No. They're very deep and make you nod your head in agreement, saying "Why didn't I think of that?"

It makes them look like people who sit on the fence chewing on cud everyday thinking about the philosophies of life, but to what I know, they're normal people like you and me. They have a career, have sociable lives, and the only difference is that they have ample of free time in front of their computers.

So what is it that makes them different? Or maybe it's just me. I'm just not smart enough or deep enough a thinker to make casual observations that sound so right.

Either that, or I'm too sensitive about the issue because things will come gradually and I shouldn't think about it too much.

Ah well.

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