Wednesday, May 23, 2007


I apologize for tantalising dear readers with saying that I have over a hundred photos to post and then not posting them even after blogspot fixed the bug with the editing function.

Anyway, I haven't really had the chance to get home and touch my photos folder on my own computer, because one, my thumbdrive got screwed, and two, I'm kind of spending every waking moment with Lazy screwing.

No wait, that's an exaggeration. We just screw a little here and there everyday, but that's not the point. I've been so tied up with him that I hadn't got the chance to touch my own computer. He isn't any better too, his blog hasn't been updated since the break-up-patch-back ordeal.

Anyways, just a wee lil' update on my precious baby. I've been to see him yesterday, and he was just sitting naked in the middle of the workshop. The fairings are back, and they look gorgeous. The colour tone isn't exactly what I wanted, but one can't complain right? My original yellow's very bright and special. Now it's become darker and just.... "normal".

My mechanic, Ah Seng, is still on the lookout for a second-hand clutch lever, a second-hand right-side footrest (the entire hunk of metal, not just the footrest itself), a skeleton bracket, and he's re-moulding my back seat again.

Shouldn't take too much time, seeing as the fairings are almost ready save for the last finishing touches, and Ah Seng's got the full system of exhaust for me already but just can't quote a price to me yet, the re-moulding of the back seat should take less than a week and the others shouldn't be too hard to find.

Now it's just the money I'm worried about. I dropped off $500 as a deposit yesterday, and after a thorough conversation about the pricing with Ah Seng yesterday, I'm pretty sure the price will go over $1k. Maybe $1.2k? $1.3k?

You know, girls my age shouldn't be worrying about finance for stuff like bikes. We should be worrying about our appearance and using the money for facials, clothes, accessories and shoes. Not bikes.

It's just difference in perspective I guess. Bikes are so much more important to me than dolling myself up to attract other guys. Don't get me wrong, I love dolling myself up too, but if given the choice, I believe everyone knows what it's going to be.

I do hope Dante's coming back soon. I miss him terribly.

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