Sunday, May 04, 2008

I Think I've Just Lost My Appetite For The Rest Of The Day


About 2 minutes ago, I was feeling a bit of the munchies, and rummaged through the fridge for something to chew on before I head out for my cousin's to visit my neice and to fine-tune his blog template (which explains the pinkity background and a baby picture on the top left right about now).

I found last night's McDee's leftovers from my sister and mom's orders in a McDee's brown paper bag, in which I also dumped 2 chicken wings from IKEA that Lazy and I couldn't finish. Without hesitation, I took it out (oh come on, who the hell hesitates when taking food out from the fridge?) and stuck my hand inside without looking to extract the McDee's 20pc nuggets box.

Because the chicken wings, in their plastic bag, was on top of the box, it was slightly harder than I thought it would be to take out. So I shook and shook and shook and I felt something cold and soft hitting against the box. Obviously the entire paper bag was cold, so it didn't freak me out (just yet).

So I looked into the paper bag, shifted the IKEA plastic bag aside and I found my thumb that was grabbing the box, on something.

Dead. Lizard. With. Arm. Under. My Thumb.

With a great big FUCKKK I threw the entire bag and it's contents onto the kitchen basin. I've washed my hands at least 4 times with soap but I can still feel the soft-soft arm under my thumb and can still see the lizard hanging in mid-air pinned between my thumb and the box.



Unknown said...

omg u r brave to carry the bag to the basin..if i were u i would drop the whole thing and jump back 5 steps..haha..

passerby =]

jazzyme said...

Well I was already halfway through the kitchen when it happened, so the bag actually flew halfway down the rest of the kitchen and landed at kitchen sink.

I have incredible aim when it comes to stuff like this. Normally I can't pitch to save my life. Heh.