Wednesday, May 07, 2008

I Think..

Random squawk: I have never in my life had my family members asking me to skive off work. Feels kinda' weird.

Random squawk 2: You're gonna get a motherload of pictures with no explaination to them soon. If I ever get around to editing them.

I've become emotionally over-dependant on him. Do you think so?

I didn't realize it until W brought it up the other night when I had the talk with him about my lost-found-lost cousin. Now I'm fully conscious that I am starting to suffer a little when he's not around. I walk around listlessly, watch reruns of Family Guy and South Park over and over and over again, I simply don't know what to do when he's not around.

There's a pattern. Like when he went reservist for 3 weeks, I practically had no life for the first week or so. Then I started getting myself back together for awhile, starting to do productive things without him, and POW he's out of reservist and back in my hair again. And the readjusting starts all over again, starting from bedtimes and physical contact.

You know when you've been left alone for awhile and you start to get comfortable with yourself and you stop letting anyone near you? And then suddenly with the snap of a finger you're expected to happily run back into someone's arms? And then you get used to it for a couple of weeks, and then when he leaves you for a night due to family commitments you become a zombie again?

No wonder he's raring to get a house of our own. Now I know where all the not-prepared-but-get-married-and-live-together-anyway couples and divorce rates are coming from. Sheesh.

I wish he could talk to W. W has all the answers and knows how to put them in the right way, whilst I fuck things up most of the time by stammering or forgetting the important details. However powerful my English may seem, it is SHIT when get incoherent (i.e. this entire post sounds pretty damn incoherent, even to me).

I can't even give him an answer as to why studying is good. Then again, I have no grounds to want him to upgrade, seeing as I'm not very educated myself.

Was going through a friend's wedding photos and album, and I wanted so much to cry.

Do you think love can become bread?


Brainy Bimbo said...

Im was on a long distance relationship myself and so i know perfectly how you feel.

I got married last year, and is still happily married.

One thing for sure, Love cannot become bread. Because most guys will only give love when they are financially secured.

I got married, not because he is ready to marry me, its because he suddenly became rich.

You've been struggling with this relationship for sometime now. I think when the time its right, the path will be clearer.

Incoherency is also my trait. hahaa

jazzyme said...


Firstly, sorry about my dog's name, it was Lazy's idea. Came from a cartoon character.

I know your husband loves you (from reading April's blog)and without love, even if you were both millionaires you wouldn't get married anyway right? You've been through ups and downs too so I guess we understand how the other feels too.

Great to hear from you, and I wish you happiness always