Rough PatchThe Lazy and I seem to be on a rough patch recently. Not with each other, of course, we've been just as loving.
Suddenly, there seem to be a problem with all our friends. My so-called most trusted friend
suddenly started to ignore me again (I still have no idea why), and because he is something of a ring leader, the rest of the group can't be bothered to make the effort to contact me.
And for some reason, I get the feeling that people at work don't really want to talk to me either.
Lazy's friends are leaving him out too, not his campmates but that other group. Even if they ask him along on their gatherings, everybody wears a fake mask and puts on a front. And I found out things (again) from YF that made me regret putting my trust in certain people.
Thank goodness we still have a handful of scattered people here and there, enough to have an overflow of people during weekends for mahjong (yes, we are still playing it).
Our finance isn't working out for us as well. With credit card bills mounting and my bike repair costing $2.5k, we're essentially in the red.
Work seems to be going well for me though, although it isn't on his side. His commission's been cut, which normally wouldn't affect us, but what with the credit card bills and loans pressing on, it's harder than we thought.
And to top off the patch, in case you haven't noticed, I just quarrelled with my sister.
Just thank your lucky stars that I don't blow up often at my own family. Which means that when I do, it'll be bad. So would you prefer me to blow up every other day, or once in a blue moon?
But after all, no matter what shitty things happen, no matter how many of them happens togethher, it is still just a rough patch. As with rough patches, it'll be over soon enough.
When the world comes tumbling down, the opportunity rises to rebuild again. We can either grit our teeth and bore through it, or we take the ruins and make something better of it.
Now comes the question of how. It's ok, I'll work it out.
Anyways, while I was looking for my own link, I found
this post from 4 years ago. Have fun.