Thursday, August 10, 2006

The good thing about living on the lower levels next to your car park

.. is that you can admire your bike everyday from your room window.

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Lovey dovey with Lazy-chooy

Guess where we were?

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Okay, I suck. And I have a sucky camera, so the blame doesn't entirely falls on me!

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Lazychoo with a mild "Wah!" expression. You should see his incredible WAH! expression. Priceless!

And yesterday, Lazychoo accompanied me on a mad run to see the dogs and puppies of Pasir Ris farmway!

Me: "Choo, can I have a goldfishy?"

Him: "Yap."

Me: "How about a pair of goldfishies?"

Him: "Yap."

A while later...

Me: "Can I have a bunny?"

Him: "Your mom's going to kill me if I say yes."

Me (5 minutes later): "Can I have a bunny?"

Him: "Yap."


Me(20 minutes later): "Can I have a puppy?"

Him: *Stun*

Me(30 minutes later): "Can I have 5 puppies?"

Him: *Stun even longer*

Him: "But I want a big dog."


Me: "When I have my own house I want a house full of bunnies and puppies and goldfishies and birdies."

Him: *Gives really weird look*

Him: "Mad ah, you?"

I thought you should've known that you have a mad girlfriend by now.



Anonymous said...

ever wonder where does the name "lazychoo" comes by?

jazzyme said...

er.. because he's lazy and his surname is choo?