Thursday, November 16, 2006

The sweetest thing

Another episode of the sweetest thing I've come to know - Him.

Because my bike is still within the running-in mileage, the petrol consumption is relatively high. And my petrol indicator is spoilt, which means if my petrol gets to dangerously low levels I wouldn't know about it unless I open my oil tank cover to take a look.

Usually, what I do is to go by the mileage. There's this small clocker inside of my km/h meter which measures the distance I travel. And everytime after I've pumped petrol I would turn the clocker back to 00000. Usually, I'd pump petrol when it reaches 00260 because I can only travel up to 280clicks before I get stuck.

Last night my clocker was only up to 00210 when my bike suddenly died on Lentor avenue, on my way home, right after the slight bend with the bridge-like thing at the side. Lucky for me I managed to roll my bike over to the side to call Lazychoo.

Most of the buses only saw me at the last minute, and jammed on their brakes, then realizing it was too late they shifted lanes, regardless of whether there was a car on the other side or not. Few of them even almost touched my mirrors, which meant they almost touched me.

The cars were zooming past very closely. And I do not know why, but some forking bastardic idiot LORRIES found it amusing to HORN at me. Like, as if when they horn at me I can magically start the bike and move out of their way.

I hope they get run over by other lorries.

Anyway, because it was THAT scary, I called Lazychoo and told him that my petrol ran out. I also told Zeke in a SMS telling him that I'm stuck at Lentor, in a reply to his SMS to ask us out for dinner. He called me back and I remember getting hysterical on the phone with him, and he sounded so damn cute when he didn't know what to do but try to tell me not to panic.

Haha. Zeke. My bike dieded on the road leh.

Lazychoo rushed down within a matter of minutes.

He got caught by the stationary speed camera for me. In his hurry to reach me, he forgot there was a speed camera at that particular spot, realizing only too late when he got flashed. Hopefully they didn't get a clear picture, or will be giving the mandatory 20km/h allowance.

After Lazychoo arrived, the first thing I noticed was his shirt. He'd wore it inside out in his hurry to rush out of the house! I kept laughing.

It's not as if I'm mean, it's just that I found it so damn funny and sweet at the same time. So heartwarming in a funny way. There was this melting pool of warm goo inside of me (not what you think, you dirty bastards) when I saw that.

Isn't he the sweetest thing ever?

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