Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Congrats April and Yuffie!

On both your successful hdb ballotings and Yuffie's and Yida's new car!


Seriously, I admire you guys' bravery in taking this step towards your happiness.

I guess that I'm just not ready for this commitment yet, because I don't have as much faith in my relationship as you both do. Sometimes I think of trying to salvage stuff I feel is going wrong, but then I turn around and ask myself, why bother? And somewhere down the road when start I regretting not salvaging it because it's become permenant (aka taken for granted) I slap myself in the face and distract myself with an alternate life.

Even if I had to get a house with him right now it wouldn't be because I wanted to start a home with him, it'd be because I needed to get my animals out of my mom's hair.

We're just too different for it to ever work.

There goes the romance and the magic that is love. Woooooo.

I'm sorry I turned this congratulations into a sob story about myself. Urgh.

I'm so depressed.


YuFFie said...

*Hugz* Thanks for your congratulations! Your moment will come, just the matter of time. He's ready when he's ready. Many times, i also want to get my animals all in my very own house. And most imptly, you are the youngest among us, so no hurry! Hee

feathers said...

Thanks for being happy for us. ^-^ Many times I lose faith too and its not as easy to me as to other ladies in just knowing The One. Like alot of things in life, we'll just have to jump in with fingers crossed and hope for the best. Haha, I know I put it in a scary way but it is really not as scary.

I also do think that I am not ready for this!! I'm still a kid!! That's what my brain scream but at the back of my head, another voice tell me I can handle this.

The most difficult part of this is communication, I have problems too and I'm hoping my upcoming marriage preparation course can help out. You can try it out too, it is not only for couples who are getting married and it sounds like so much fun. =P