Thursday, June 05, 2008

It seems...

That he is never present at some of the most crucial moments or occasions.

That we are drawing further apart.

And this time...

I will not pursue.

I have my own share of unsung unhappiness.

Someone come talk to me. There's an opening on my right side and I need someone to fill it.

It seems.. So much more but it is not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love is giving each other breathing space. This applies not only to loving couples but to married people as well. Understand each other more.If he is not there, it only test your independence. Every relationship has its flaws and every relationship has hurdles and pot holes along the way. You are fated to be together and you still have a long journey together with him. Give him time for himself as you a lifetime together. This is more than enough. You will get tired of each other if u spend every min with him.

Relax girl, I've been married for years and I know how you feel.