Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Updates On The Little Girl



Some free toy toy given by Pet Lover's Centre when we ordered dog food delivery. Mandy doesn't like it when we take her toy toy from her mouth, and will do funny funny things like lie down to prevent us from taking.


Don't take my toy toy~



Being loyal Earth Cafe supporters, we went there again with Mandy.

This time, we've got pictures.

This was my meal. I wasn't feeling too well, so only had appetite for two small sandwiches before I chucked the rest at the Lazy.


Lazy had what I had previously, their fish 'n' chips.


Mandy tried something new. If I remember correctly, this should be their doggy din din.


After lunch, we went to our usual haunt - Bishan Park dog run.

Peanut was there,


.. this time sporting a gold chain. Her little girl must love her so very much.

We spotted a Great Dane some way off. Lazy was very amused because he's never seen one in real life before.







That black spot on the right is a small dog, not a pigeon.


Anonymous said...

is ur dog a local breed?? did u pump him to the max when he is a puppy?? cause i just got mine.. just wanna ask around

jazzyme said...

Yes, Mandy is a local breed. A lot of people say she's big for her age, but I think she'd just pudgy (vet term: fat). We give her lots of treats, lah.

I don't much approve of pumping puppies "to the max" when they are young just so that they'll grow to be big, because their bones and joints won't have time to fully build up their foundation if there is a sudden growth spurt. That would lead to higher possibility of hip dysplasia when they grow up, because the bone foundation is not strong enough.

I think you should just feed your puppy the healthy amount (ask your vet). After all, we love our dogs no matter what size they grow up to be, isn't it? Also, GR puppies don't stop growing til about 2, so you'll have plenty of time to give your puppy supplements after about 1 year of age, when its bones are strong enough to take its weight.

Anonymous said...

oh... quite true... then what u feed him as a puppy?? do u give any supplement??

jazzyme said...

Mandy loves dry food for some reason, and I am a loyal Royal Canin fan. She was taking the Maxi Junior selection, but I'm mixing in the Royal Canin's Golden Retriever food in more and more, soon she'll be taking purely the GR food. No more puppyfood~

I don't want to get her dependant on supplements so early, so I'm only scouting around for supplements recently. Any reccomendations? Looking at supplements for her skin and coat, for joints, and .. what else do I need?

I'll go do more research first. Hehe. What are you feeding your puppy?

Anonymous said...

she is 5 month plus.. australia breed.. feeding her orijen.. i did research and come to a conclusion that orijen is good for them.. but some doesn't like it as the protein level is very high as they might afraid might strain the GR kidney.
for supplement i give 2 type for every meal. i give her the MISSING LINK PLUS and the SYNTHESIX.. this 2 are recommendation from GR owner who own very nice N big GR..

jazzyme said...

Yes, I tried Timberwolf with her before until I realized that the protein level was very high too. I'm thinking of mising in some Nutro for healthy skin, but need to do some research on that too.

What are the Missing Link Plus and the Synthesix supplements for?

Anonymous said...

synthesix is multivitamins with amino acids and fish oil which are good for them.but mainly this supplement is to boom their body..

for missing link is for overall health and well-being..

healthy joints, sustained energy levels, healthy skin and coat and healthy disgestive system and normal weight and it contain glucosamine..

for missing link is good..