Friday, December 12, 2008


Uh huh.

Anyway, thank to all you guys who have computer problems or want to buy IT stuff and keep asking Lazy to fix or find them for you, thank you very much.

Thank you for taking time from Lazy and me, who already is overloaded during office hours, and still has to work for free for you guys after office hours.

Thank you for making me not dare to tell Lazy about my own computer problems because I know he is so sick of fixing computer problems during and after work. Either that, or he already knows about the problems, but is too busy fixing YOUR problem.

Imagine. One IT guy, running around to fix computers for friends and family after work, while there are like 3 problematic computers at my house, and 2 at his. No time to fix own computers already, much less pak-tor. Even my relatives know better than to call him directly. They'd rather PAY someone else to fix their computer woes, because they don't want to be a bother.

Looks like Lazy's not that close to the family, after all.

Thank you all, ah.


? said...

Its time for u to learn IT skill. Then u can share the workload with him. Hahahha

jazzyme said...

Mai. He got IT skills, already high in demand. If I have IT skills, coupled with my incredibly cute and thick skin personality, I think I'll be in even higher demand. Then we'll have zero chance to pak tor liao.