Saturday, December 13, 2008


As if to reiterate my previous post, some dood who wanted Lazy to work for him actually wanted to drag him to a meeting at 10pm at night.

Anyways, I was out for a walk with Tracy and Lazy when we saw this Indian family pass by. TWO of their kids saw Tracy and immediately shouted and started chasing her.

All their mother did was "Julian, behave yourself." That's it. Didn't even apologise to me.

You know, on a walk with Tracy before, we saw this stray black dog, about the size of Mandy. I was so afraid that it was going to chase Tracy, but it just sat there and stared inquisitively. Much, much more guai than the kids nowadays.

If I see that kid again, I'm going to set Mandy free and have her chase him, and in front of his mother, say "Mandy, behave yourself." and walk off without acknowledging her.

Pardon me, I'm in a pissy mood.

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