Monday, April 13, 2009

Lemon Drops

That was just an absolutely random title.

Onnions and the J-girl were here last night, playing guitar hero last night (did I mention that I got the Lazy a guitar hero world tour set?), and the J-girl introduced me to this website.

It carries some ridiculously nonsensical (read: bo-liao) applications like the Fake-A-Call (fake-call yourself to get out of boring meetings), the True Or Lie (gives your iPhone the ability to tell if someone if telling the truth by pressing the mic to the person's pulse), games like the legendary Diner Dash series (ok, not so legendary, but I'm addicted to the Dash series), ebooks, basic utilities like file-sharing apps, lifestyle and for some reason, medical. As in DrDrugs, drug guide for physicians.

What the...?

So yeah, if you or your partner has an iPhone, this would be a good website to visit. I'm gonna go get ready to glue myself to Lazy's iPhone tonight.

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