Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What We're All AWARE Of

Random Squawk: I apologise to Christian friends for this post who don't feel the same way as the people in the hostile takeovers do. I apologise to all Christians who don't persecute homosexuality.

The following represents my views and my views only. Despite that I shall not be held legally responsible if those involved get pissy and decide to do a King of Singapore on me.

I feel, personally, that a certain organisation was created 26 years ago to protect and help the women in our society. Because women are weaker, strength comes in numbers, and strength also comes from each other's support, this organisation was created.

Women, meaning ALL women, regardless of religion, sexuality, and preferences.

Women should be helping and protecting women, not finding a difference and start persecuting other women who have different religions/sexualities/preferences. If women persecutes women, what do they have an organisation protecting women for?

The organisation should change it's name to Association of Christians for Protection (of other Christians and the people who support them) and Persecution (of people with a preference other than theirs).

At this point, let me bring in yet another factor. In Gen 3:16 it says that women are in "suffer in sorrow" of childbirth because women ate the apple in the Garden of Eden. So doesn't that create a conflict of interests? If women are to push the teachings of the Bible into the non-believers' faces, then why in the first place take over an organisation vowing to protect the interests of women? Shouldn't they, as Christian women, allow the sufferings of all women to continue because we apparently "ate the apple from the Garden of Eden"?

Not to mention the teaching of the big brown book that Eve came from the *gasp* ribcage of Adam, which is why women are never equal to men. Try believing in that, and then taking over an organisation vowing to promote equality between the sexes, and then tell me you're not a cuckoohead.

Also, when one doesn't like the ways of an organisation and wants to take actions to go against it, the civil way is to start another organisation with the aforementioned name. Not instigate an aggressive takeover by the members of a religious organisation of what was once a peaceful organisation dedicated to helping women.

How barbaric.

My last cent into this matter is - everybody has a right to their own preferences. No one person has the right preference, or the wrong preference. No one person should force their thinking onto others as well. I may like animals more than humans, you may hate them and wish they were all dead. I don't persecute you, you leave me alone.

Remember, the kind of people who managed this hostile takeover are the kind of people who instigated the 15th century Spanish inquisition. Seems they haven't stopped their activities since.

Let's see if there's going to be (yet) another bloodshed in the name of religion.

Random Squawk II: By the way, what's wrong with homosexuality? It's so sexy. Just look to the left.

1 comment:

Su said...

Lets hope tomorrow's meeting at Suntec will turn out something good.