Thursday, April 02, 2009


Yes, I am back from Korea. Photos will be up soon, I just need to sift through all 400+ of them to make sure there are no unglam pictures of me. Also, I need to send 4 rolls of film from my fisheye camera for developing. Two of these are slides, which means I need to send them all the way to Burlington Square for developing. Argh.

I do realize that I haven't been blogging as much as you want me to, or as much as I wish to. Blogging, however fun it is, has become less of a priority over other things in life. Picture-hosting has also lost its spark since Photobucket decided not to show the photos perfectly. Even Facebook has picture-displaying-perfectly problems. Either that, or my internet's out of whack.

It's going to hit the weekend soon. Strangely, I'm not excited.


? said...

Most likely, it is the fault of firefox 3.0.8

U using firefox right?

jazzyme said...

No leh, IE 7. Going to upgrade to IE 8 later