Thursday, October 27, 2005

I remember mentioning that I would not be able to blog often anymore because the computer I share with my sister has been shifted to her room. It's been really bothering me, not being able to blog for a couple of days because I get distracted VERY easily. With the TV blaring away just beside the computer screen, and my sister on the phone now behind me, I think I'm going crazy.

She's turned the TV on mute because it's commercial and she feels that she should at least grant me the commercial time to blog. Argh why am I such a pushover? Why did I agree to let her move this stupid thing into her room anyway?

I have really short term memory. I easily forget what I did more than a couple of days ago, which is why it is important for me to blog as soon as possible after an event or something.

Great, commercial's ended and she's turning on the sound again. Just great.

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