Friday, June 15, 2007

Gee, thanks

I was kind of messing around online just now because Lazy fell asleep and I'm way too awake to be even slightly sleepy.

I was online chatting to a certain Mr Nice Guy *ahem*Edwin*ahem* when he told me about a site called the

You guys know me, I don't like joining whatever blog rings, or clubs, or advertise my blog everywhere like so many people do. I write purely because I like to write, and because I wanted to keep my friends (and people who get to know me through reading my blog) updated about my wonderfully interesting (sorry I had to use that link, it just kind of stuck with me after a comment made by SW) life.

Anyways, after browsing through the website for about 5 minutes, I realised that there was a familiar name at the side of the window. See? There! That's it!

JAZZYME! That's me, by the way.

We'll be getting some new readers (Hi, you guys!) so I'm going to give ALL of you (including you old readers) the low-down on this blog. Firstly, I need to apologise for the crap in my earliest posts. I was young and fairly new to blogging, maybe not even sure what a blog is for, so I was misled into thinking that blogs are for entertainment purposes (I blame you, LCM).

After the period of crap I started showing bits of myself here and there. Maybe it was because I had no one to talk to, more and more started showing up. Over the years my writings have matured (not much, though), and more and more of my thinking started to change. Perhaps you can call it a documentation of myself growing up.

I still laugh at myself whenever I read some old posts of mine, but some of them have lost their entertainment value because the pictures are gone due to some #$*%@ image hosting site that made me $%#$% lose most of my pictures.

You know what? Scrape that. Bottomline: Don't read my older posts.

Anyways, because Mr Nice Guy recommended my blog to the website (without my permission) I am going to recommend his business in my blog (without his permission)!

Introducing, !

You know those flea markets you find during weekends at Far East Square or China Square Central? You don't? *whacks you on the head* What are you waiting for? They're fun and nostalgic, not to mention most of them are dirt cheap too.

I used to think of setting up my own flea market stall, before I got so busy with life. It'd be so much fun! Guys, seriously, you should try it. If you need someone to share a stall with, you know who to look for!

Seriously. I suck at advertising. Sorry Edwin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! Jazzy, Naughty gal.

Anything from the bottom of your heart is good enough. Didn't expect you to get back to me like this. Haha ...