Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Please Call This Number

And blast the fish paste out of this guy.

He sent me an SMS at midnight yesterday. Here's what the conversation (if you can call it that) looks like:

+65 82818315

"Can meet"

Being the ultra-nice me, I gave him the benefit of the doubt because it might be any of my friends who likes to change their mobile number without informing *ahem*Frankie*ahem*Eric*ahem*

"Who is this?"


Sounds familiar, and just to make sure, I replied.

""I don't know who you are"

"Then can meet anot"

How incredibly rude!

Since he likes meeting up so much, please pass this number to all insurance agents, MLM marketeers, credit card telemarketeers, churchies-who-wants-to-"save souls", or any other annoyances you can think of.

And to the person who passed my number along, if I know who you are, I will smash your phone upon sight, understand?

I have strict rules about phone calls and sms-es, and revealing of phone numbers is right up there on the number 1 spot. Do NOT under any circumstances reveal my phone number to anyone else without explicit permission directly from me, or this will happen to you.



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