Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I Did Something Sinful Today

Seriously. I haven't felt so sinful since I ate that whole tub of peppermint ice cream by myself.

I spent $20 out of my remaining $30 on... CDs.

Laura Fygi, anyone?


This album is called the "Song Book", which was apt because it really was a song book


... with the CD at the back in a flimsy plastic covering slot in to a pocket made by two pages. It's a very nice design, very artistic.

It's all your classic jazzy numbers inside with a twist. Apparently, I snapped up the last piece. Unfortunately, this is produced in China, so the book is half in Chinese. $10 for this, and $10 for..

.... THE KING.


You know me. I can't resist this.


Song lyrics and pictures of the KING on the inside of the CD cover, old school style. The design of the entire thing is exquisite, from the cut-out numbers on the left (God-knows-what they mean) to the booklet insert on the right. This is also produced in China, which explains the Chinese words on the right.

It's a sinful, but happy day. ^-^

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