Friday, January 23, 2009


I know the title is so totally out of whack with the previous entry's title, but it's about two entirely different matters, okay.

Many things done today.

Took the birds out for feather clipping alone. Walked from home to the parrot shop at 900+ area and back, and then some more. Now I have blisters in between my toes where the rubber of my slippers contacted with my feet.


Anyways, I felt real bad when Cash gave the guy who was clipping her flight feathers a nip and he bled. A lot. He tried to put back together Cash's carrier and got his blood all over it. But then again, I did tell him to use the cloth to cover Cash's head when he did the clipping, but he didn't listen. Bah.

I worked for a little when I got home, and let Mika play on the table where I sat at. Big mistake.


One. Mika is too adorable not to pay attention to. Also, he kept coming over and nudging my finger with his head, asking for a tickle.

How to concentrate like that?

And two,


... there's a reason why Mika's nickname is called "Tyrant" and "Destroyer". He threatened to bite Mandy whenever she came near, and when not begging to be tickled, went about destroying my documents.


But still, so cute. So cute.

Cash was incredibly pek-chek with me for the whole day because she felt molested (by the dude who clipped her flight feathers for her). Wouldn't even let me touch her without threatening to bite.

I cleaned out both their cages in time for CNY. Methinks new toys are in order.

Other than playing with the birdies today, I irritated the hell out of Tracy.








My baby loves me. Hehe.

Also, after the Lazy got home from work, we went with my mom to FarEastFlora to shop for CNY flowers. Mom went crazy and bought many many flowers, ALL of them Orchids. And I, being the usual non-conformist, went ahead and bought Petunias. I don't usually buy potted plants, but these were so sweet, I couldn't resist.


They're circled in yellow.

So yeah, fruitful and fulfilling day.

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