Monday, January 12, 2009

What Happened At Christmas

Random Squark: This post's pictures was posted entirely by name. Which means I looked up the name of the file, went to my pictures folder to see if it was the one I wanted to post, then came back to post it. See how much I love you guys?


Se we had a Christmas Present opening session at home with my family on Christmas Eve.



My presents:

Lazy bought this while we were at the airport with Cookie.

For some reason Mom thinks it's funny to get me a baby doll.

From my sister, who had booked a pyjama party movie session on Boxing Day.

From the Lazy. It's a doggie bracelet from Swarovski.

For my sister,




For the Lazy:

From my mom

Also from mom as a joke



From me. Lazy was looking for this because apparently it was out of season, or something, and the shirt wasn't being sold anymore. I had this shipped from *country name erased*.

It came in like this.

Thus ends Christmas Eve.

We has a present exchanging session with the sweet Anthony as well.

This is what we got him -


It's a radio. The nipples are the dials. I still can't believe he walked around the house like that and even went to show his mother. Cute, lah.

This is what he got for us -


South park plushies, each with a lovable message inside.

How lovable. That's Kyle's voice on Kenny, by the way. I think the makers, after obtaining Kyle's voice, got lazy and decided to use it on all four of their plush toys. Which means all of them are saying the exact thing in the exact voice.

The plush toys came in a doggie bag that Anthony had.


Second hand, but perfect for my Tracy! Yay~

He gave Lazy this plastic figurine


Which came in this bag that he had too.


It's a talking bobble-head thingy, whatever that may mean. When Lazy pulls out a strip of plastic on the underneath, this Kenny has a lot to say when anyone touches him. But, being the typical Kenny, we couldn't understand a word he's saying. After awhile he got annoying and we had to put the plastic strip back and put him back into the packaging.

So after all the presents exchange, it was boxing day.


The pyjama party my sister gave me, remember?

It was at GV for Adam Sandler's Bedtime Stories.


Queing up for the Aussino blankie which ran out way before we got to the line.




Some families even had kids dress up from top to toe. Which includes plushies, and furry bunny slippers.

GV provided hot chocolate, marshmellows, cookies and popcorn for this promotion.


It was surreal when we got to the inside of the cinema. The advertisements had started, so it was quite dark. There were rows upon rows upon rows of people - clad in pyjamas.

Was fun.


We were the first to leave after the show. I think we scared some of the coffee bean patrons in the basement when we happily walked past in our pyjamas.

And here's how we spent the new year countdown.


I aoologise for the blurry-ness. I'd just come out from an air con room, and the lens apparently fogged over. And yes, that's June playing mahjong with my friends.

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