Monday, January 19, 2009


I don't want your money, I want your sincerity.

I don't need material things that you can buy, I want just your companionship.

If you can show me that you can and will go to lengths for me, I dare not even mention great, you know I will do the same, if not more.

Love, and friendship, is not about expensive bags and shoes and things that money can buy. To some people I know who value money far more than a life of someone or something that doesn't affect them, this may not be true, but screw you.

I know how easy it is to use money/gifts as a replacement for love and friendship. You'd think it's hard because you have to work for the money to buy the gifts, but earning money is never harder than being honestly and consistantly sincere in wanting happiness for the other party.

I don't need expensive cars or houses, or even phones and cameras. I simply ask for your sincerity.

It's not just about getting off your ass and organizing even a simple outing, much less an overseas trip that I know is never coming, and stay standing instead of sitting right back on your ass and staying there for the next few years before getting up to do something sincere again.

I know I'm asking for the sky, but people, if I can do it, despite realizing the futility, so can you.

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