Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Birthday With The Dudes


A cake from Onnions. We were at Yishun Safra for our KTV session the night before the night before my birthday and I was presented with this little delight.

Don't judge a book by it's blog, I am not as popular as you think. So when I was presented with the first ever birthday cake that someone other than my family got for me, I really was touched.

I'm serious. Touched.




Thanks, Onnions!

And on the eve of my birthday, the dudes came over for a gambling session.




Here's June.

Funny story, really. My dad was at home that night, and apparently, two of my friends, one of which was June, poked their head in, and got scared off by him. Literally. From what my dad said, they took off upon seeing him. He had to chase them to the lift and drag them back into my house.

Not the first time my dad's scared off guys. Bwahahahahahaha. The other time happened in Taiwan's XiMenDing, where the cute guy trying to pick me up took off when my dad, who was standing next to me, turned his head and stared daggers at him.

Anyways, back to the topic, Lazy got me a Swensen's ice cream cake.


Dude in white on the left is the other one who ran away when he saw my dad.



This sweetheart dropped by after midnight, and talked for awhile before he left.


And because the rest were playing mahjong, and mahjong took so long, Hock fell asleep.


Poor guy. Guard duty all the way!

And that, folks, was how I spent my birthday.


Anonymous said...

What scared off... kns... tot you'll weren't home

jazzyme said...

Must be June. Muahahahaha.

Rem said...

haha.. ur dad look so scary ar?

anyway, happy belated birthday~

jazzyme said...

His bark is actually worse than his bite lah.. My dad's a very nice guy in fact.

Anyway, thanks!