Tuesday, September 20, 2005

It's been wonderful, and yet..

He thinks that we should spend more time together. I think so too. I fell into a restless sleep right after a discussion with two of my favorite people. I'm glad I have friends like this, who voice out concerns and care for me the way they do. I'd never want to lose these bunch of friends.

Woke up in anticipation of my first practical for my bike license today. It was fun! There were 5 guys and a butch in my class, two of which were my ex schoolmates whom I don't really talk to. I saw a few more ex schoolmates walking around. They must've came together in a group.

Being the only girl around, the instructor was paying extra attention to me, thinking I might not be able to handle it. Turned out it was the guys and that butch who needed more attention, because I got everything perfectly done while they struggled. Ha! The only part in the class where I had trouble with was changing back to gear one after riding around with gear 2.

Anyway, we got a friendly instructor who was quite nice to us. The butch had the most problems, so another instructor was specially assigned to her. He was so fierce! He rounded in on us when he was done with her. I was tempted to snarl at him because I came here to learn, not to be shouted at, but I smiled at him instead. He was a little taken aback at me smiling when he shouted at me to do something and I did it right. After awhile, he started smiling at me too when I did what I was told in the right way.

Hey, smiling does work wonders.

Anyway, Candy came to pick me up after the practical in her extremely cute little convertible beetle. She brought me for lunch near her office where everyone seemed so friendly. One of her colleague came along to talk to me about network marketing, and encouraged me to join them.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I pilloned with Kenny back to Yishun where we had dinner with his colleague. We then went off to Lower Seletar to have a chat and do some moon-basking. We sat facing the sea and chatted about everything and anything. It felt so nice just sitting next to him and being so comfortable with myself. I was wearing a normal T-shirt today, and sneakers (which I don't wear often) so I felt really comfortable as opposed to wearing something nice and having to care about my image and not sitting so haphazardly.

He sent me back and we shared a hug at my corridor. He only had one arm free because his other arm was laden with our helmets and my SSDC plastic bag. But even in his one arm-ed embrace, I felt so warm and secure. It does not help that there was this most delicious smell coming from his chest. I didn't want to let go. I hugged tighter.

But he was tired, and he needed to get home quick, so I did. He left, but not before planting a very sweet kiss on my forehead.

The sweetest things in life always come unexpected.

*contented sigh~*

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